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Another Night in Paradise by Phil Collins

I found this song to be incredibly topical when speaking of empathy and compassion. Everyday people, especially in America and other first world countries, often taken for granted what we have and focus and things that we do not have. Sometimes you must take a step backwards and realize just how great your life is. This song tells the tale of a man who is walking in the streets of a third world country, or simply of a low income area, as he reminds the audience that if you have the basic life essentials such as shoes, clothes, food, water, and a place to safely lay your head your life is to some else is paradise and not to be taken for granted. Maybe that job that you hate so much is exhausting and at times unfair, but it gives you money and other resources that people in other parts of the country and world are unable to obtain. In America we are extremely fortunate in the fact that our government allows its citizens agency and protection. While there are clearly cases that may contradict this, the majority of citizens are protected, whereas in India, we recently learned that the police and authority does not even protect their citizens such as those that may escape from unbearable jobs such as prostitution.